1 |
01/02/2019 |
No. ChF.1319/CR-2/Taxation-3 dt. 1st February 2019. |
Appointment of Addl. Registrar of Chits, Pune and Joint Registrar of Chits, Pune. |
/ (51.52 KB) |
2 |
29/03/2017 |
2017071014332500 |
change in authority at Mumbai location |
/ (42.11 KB) |
3 |
07/01/2014 |
ChF-1213/CR-77/Taxation 3 Dt.07.01.14 |
Appointment of Registrar of Chits, Addl Registrar of Chits and Joint Registrar of Chits under the Chit Funds Act, 1982 |
/ (218.95 KB) |
4 |
29/12/2007 |
CTF-1007/CR-60/Taxation-3 Dt.29-12-07 |
Notification under chit Funds Act, 1982-Appointments. |
/ (46.83 KB) |
5 |
19/04/2005 |
Notification No. MISC-1005/CR-41/Taxation 3 |
Appointment of Authorities under Chit Fund Act, 1982. |
/ (357.6 KB) |
6 |
15/06/2004 |
Notification No. MISC-1004/CR-31/Taxation 4 |
Delegation of powers to compound offences under Chit Fund Act, 1982. |
/ (320.27 KB) |
7 |
15/06/2004 |
Notification No. MISC-1004/CR-31/Taxation 4. |
Appointment of Authorities under Chit Fund Act, 1982. |
/ (1.2 MB) |
8 |
Act No. XL of 1982 |
Chit Fund Act 1982 |
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9 |
No.-MCS-1003/C.R.-92/Taxation-4 dated 15th June 2004 |
Maharashtra Chit Fund Rules, 2004 |
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